Project “With a Book for Life” Encourages Children to Read

The “With a Book for Life” project, known internationally as Bookstart, aims to promote reading literacy among children in the Czech Republic. This initiative distributes motivational kits to parents of newborns, encouraging both parents and children to engage in reading from a very young age.

Libraries of all types participate in the international Bookstart initiative to help parents get involved in their children’s reading development. According to the project’s website, these efforts include special motivational kits provided to parents upon the birth of their child.

In addition to receiving the kits, parents and children are invited to special events organized by libraries. These libraries also prepare unique activities for participating families, optimize their collections, and enhance their services. The collaboration aims to highlight the significance of reading in everyday life and promote family reading sessions.

The project has been successfully running internationally for 30 years. Available in 25 countries, including the UK, Germany, Belgium, and Italy, the Czech Republic joined with its own version in 2018. Since then, the initiative has involved over 330 libraries, steadily increasing. However, in Prague, only three libraries are currently participating.

The Central Bohemian Region has committed to purchasing hundreds of these motivational kits to be distributed through local libraries. This support aims to help children discover the joy of reading from an early age and provide parents with the assistance of specially trained librarians.

Parents involved in the project over the past six years in the Czech Republic have praised it highly. Many note that reading from an early age has had positive effects, including increased interest in books among children who initially were not enthused. The project also offers a fun and gentle way for children to learn new skills and social competencies.