Hanušovice Launches Unique Half-Billion Crown Affordable Housing Project

Městský úřad Hanušovice

The small town of Hanušovice in the Šumperk region of Moravia is embarking on an ambitious and unique affordable housing project. With an estimated cost of half a billion Czech crowns, this initiative aims to provide accessible housing through a cooperative ownership model, drawing inspiration from successful systems of the First Republic era.

Mayor Marek Kostka explains that the project will offer apartments through cooperative ownership, with favourable terms for residents. “Because the cooperative will apply for the loan, individual apartment seekers will receive very advantageous conditions, such as a fixed interest rate on instalments for 25 years,” Kostka stated. Prospective residents must pay an initial 10,000 crown fee to join the cooperative and 25% of the apartment’s cost before construction begins.

The project is designed to be environmentally friendly and cost-effective. The apartments will be low-energy, heated and cooled by heat pumps and photovoltaic systems, and fully equipped, including bathrooms and kitchen units. This comprehensive approach aims to make moving in as simple as possible for new residents.

The cooperative’s bylaws prohibit subletting these apartments to third parties to prevent potential exploitation. However, legal entities can participate, enabling companies to purchase apartments as employee benefits. This provision adds an interesting dimension to the project, potentially attracting businesses to invest in their workforce’s housing.

The project’s scale is impressive, with plans for up to 119 apartments across seven buildings. The first phase, commencing this year, will see the construction of two buildings with 34 units at an estimated cost of 130 million crowns. The town’s approach to this project has caught the attention of regional authorities, with Olomouc Governor Josef Suchánek praising it as a potential model for other municipalities facing population decline.

This innovative approach to affordable housing could serve as a blueprint for other Czech towns and cities grappling with housing shortages and population retention issues. By combining cooperative ownership, energy efficiency, and flexibility for both individual residents and businesses, Hanušovice is pioneering a model that could reshape urban development strategies across the country.