Historic Railway Bridge in Prague Set for Relocation

Milan Malíček, Právo

In a significant move to preserve a piece of Prague’s architectural heritage, city officials have decided to relocate the iconic railway bridge from Výtoň to a new location near the Modřany weir. This decision comes as part of a larger plan to replace the aging structure with a new one while ensuring the historic bridge continues to serve the community in a new capacity.

The Prague City Council decided based on a comprehensive study of potential locations conducted by the Institute of Planning and Development (IPR). The chosen site near the Modřany weir will see the bridge repurposed as a pedestrian and cycling path, maintaining its utility while preserving its historical significance.

The relocation plan has emerged as a compromise solution to address the conflicting needs of modernizing the city’s infrastructure and preserving its cultural heritage. The Railway Administration (SŽ) has been pushing to replace the bridge, which is in poor condition, while preservationists, local groups, and district councils have been critical of this approach.

The bridge, a protected historical monument dating back to the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries, must be preserved regardless of the replacement plans. This requirement led to the development of the relocation strategy, allowing the structure to continue serving the public under reduced load conditions.

While the exact timeline for the relocation has yet to be determined, the SŽ is currently seeking designers for the new bridge. Construction is planned for 2027 to 2029 and is estimated to cost 3.4 billion Czech crowns.

As Prague continues to balance progress with preservation, this innovative solution for the Výtoň railway bridge is a testament to the city’s commitment to honoring its past while building for the future.