Fountains Bring New Life to Prague’s Letná Park

Pražská příroda

To revitalize one of Prague’s most beloved green spaces, construction has begun on two new fountains in Letná Park. This exciting development, which refers to 19th-century designs, aims to provide a refreshing oasis for city dwellers and visitors alike.

The fountains, each 60 centimeters deep and featuring three water jets, will replace the original flower beds on the side wing of the former Stalin Monument. A stone trough will be installed, adding to the park’s water features. These additions are not merely decorative; they’re designed to cool the surrounding area, making Letná Park an even more inviting retreat during Prague’s warm summers.

This project is part of a larger vision for Letná Park. In 2022, a seven-hectare pond with an island was created, quickly becoming a favorite spot for swimmers and other visitors. The new fountains and water troughs will complement this feature, creating a harmonious aquatic theme throughout the park.

Interestingly, the idea of water features in Letná Park isn’t new. The first proposals for such elements date back to the 19th century, though it’s only in recent years that water has become a prominent feature of the landscape. The current project draws inspiration from these historical plans, adapting them to meet contemporary needs and environmental considerations.

The fountains are expected to be operational by spring next year, promising a new chapter in the park’s history. As Prague continues to evolve, projects like this demonstrate a commitment to enhancing public spaces and improving the quality of life for its residents.