A Sharp Cold Snap to Hit Czech Republic

True winter enthusiasts can soon rejoice as a sharp temperature drop is expected in the Czech Republic by the end of this week. Not only will the nights be frosty, potentially dipping to as low as -16 degrees Celsius, but freezing temperatures should also be expected during the day.

The Atlantic currents, which brought above-average temperatures at the end of the year and the beginning of January, will soon be halted. “By the end of the week, the synoptic situation, i.e., the distribution of pressure formations, will change significantly over the old continent,” says meteorologist Dagmar Honsová for Novinky.

The Czech Hydrometeorological Institute (ČHMÚ) also noted the upcoming cooling. It described that the high pressure that will form over Britain should prevent the influx of warmer ocean air into our territory and, on the contrary, allow the influx of frosty Arctic air from the north, which will drop the temperatures.

The ČHMÚ’s weekly forecast predicts the lowest night temperatures at the beginning of next week to be between -11 to -16 degrees Celsius, with increased cloudiness around -7 degrees Celsius. Daily highs should rise to -7 to -3 degrees Celsius, gradually to -4 to 0 degrees Celsius.

Honsová warns that “next week will bring so-called ice days, i.e., days when even the highest afternoon temperatures will not rise above freezing point, and snowfall will reach even the lowlands. And some model outputs calculate a real winter weather character for longer.”

The uncertainty remains about how long this weather character will last and how the weather will evolve in the second half of next week. Nevertheless, in its outlook, the ČHMÚ expects a return to average temperatures in the following weeks after the warm turn of the year.