All Citizens Have the Right to Permanent Residence in Rental Housing

According to Czech law, all citizens, regardless of nationality, can establish permanent residence in a rented property without requiring the owner’s consent. This means that tenants who are citizens of the Czech Republic can legally establish their permanent residency without the need for approval from the landlord.

The process of establishing permanent residence is straightforward. The tenant must provide a valid lease agreement to the local municipal office responsible for maintaining population records. Interestingly, even if the lease agreement explicitly forbids the establishment of permanent residence, the municipal office will still register it.

This regulation has significant implications for both tenants and landlords. On the one hand, tenants can enjoy the security and stability of registering their permanent address, regardless of any restrictions mentioned in the lease agreement. On the other hand, landlords may face potential risks if the tenant falls into debt or faces an execution order. In such cases, the execution officer is legally allowed to enter the rented property, as it is the tenant’s registered permanent address.

For landlords, proving ownership of every item within the rented property may be challenging if an execution occurs. They would need to provide receipts and other documentation to establish ownership. Therefore, it is advisable for property owners to actively cancel the tenant’s permanent residence if the tenancy terminates.

This can be done by visiting the local municipal office with the lease agreement and proof of its termination, such as a termination notice, mutual understanding, or documented lease term expiration. The property owner can then submit a request to cancel the tenant’s permanent residence.