Bad Habits Die Hard: National Technical Library Reminds Students That Chairs Aren’t Beach Loungers

The National Technical Library (NTK) in Prague is tackling an unusual problem that’s become all too familiar during exam season. Students have developed a habit of “reserving” seats with their coats and bags, much like tourists claiming beach chairs with towels.

Located in Prague’s Dejvice district, NTK has become a popular study haven, offering hundreds of academic resources, study rooms, and the convenience of overnight access. However, this popularity has led to an increasingly frustrating situation where finding a seat can become a daily challenge, especially during peak examination periods.

Martin Krška from the library’s communication department explains that this isn’t a new issue, but rather a recurring problem that intensifies during exam seasons. The library has received numerous complaints about students leaving their belongings to reserve seats for hours at a time, forcing others to resort to sitting on the floor.

In response, NTK has launched a campaign with practical guidelines. While brief absences for snacks or stretching are acceptable, the library emphasizes that long-term seat reservation isn’t fair to fellow students. They’ve also reminded students about the free, supervised cloakroom available for storing extra belongings.

For those seeking guaranteed study spaces, the library offers both team and individual study rooms. Team rooms accommodate 8-10 people at student-friendly rates of 30 crowns per hour, while individual study rooms are available for 50 crowns per day. The library has also extended its services by introducing a Night Study Room, accessible throughout the day.