Beware of Quick Fixes and Hidden Flaws: A Look into Czech Cottages and Chalets

The interest in cottages and chalets has revived with prices stabilizing, and a probe into offers indicates there’s much to choose from. However, before signing the purchase agreement, it’s essential to have an expert calculate the costs of putting the property in order.

An interesting offer, for example, is a cottage in a settlement near the Šumava town of Stachy. The plot is almost 900 square meters, with a living area of 230 square meters, and is priced at 2,750,000 crowns. In 2021, comparable cottages were sold for 3.5 million.

“It is a traditional Šumava cottage in an L shape with a living and economic part. The property is in its original condition, but the interior has undergone a major reconstruction,” says broker Josef Rychtář from RE/MAX Profile on the server. Water is taken from a well, waste goes to a septic tank, and electricity has been introduced.

As can be seen from the photos, the interior has undergone partial reconstruction. However, it is necessary to carefully check with an expert whether it was not just a quick action before the sale. This is because the roof is original and already requires at least a change of roofing. Accurate reconstructions start from the top. Further costs will at least need external plasters.

Also, cottages with a new or almost new roof need to carefully check the condition of the trusses, as some sellers can lay a new roof on decaying beams. Furthermore, it is necessary to generally take into account that any possible moisture of the walls and molds after perhaps recent sanitation painting and frequent ventilation during the fall will not show and will only manifest during the winter. Especially if you only go to the object on weekends and it is not heated there.

In conclusion, when considering cottages and chalets, it is crucial to be aware of quick fixes and hidden flaws. The charm of a cottage in the woods or near the river may be appealing, but potential buyers should know that these properties often require significant renovations.