We have repeatedly addressed high-priced convenience stores in central Prague. Everything here is several times more expensive, including alcoholic beverages, ...

Easter baking will be more expensive this year, as ingredients have increased by an average of 32% compared to last ...

The budget for March is in a deficit of 166.2 billion Czech crowns, which is the worst result for the ...

Miloslav Kala, the President of the Czech Supreme Audit Office (NKÚ), has identified the deepening structural deficit of the state ...

According to a survey on employment in the Czech Republic conducted by IPSOS for the Seznam Zprávy project Jak se ...

The Czech coalition government is planning to increase social contributions for self-employed and freelance workers, who currently pay significantly less ...

Energy prices are finally starting to significantly drop, with E.ON now offering new electricity and gas tariffs well below the ...

According to data released on Friday by the Czech Statistical Office, the Czech economy is in a technical recession. In ...

The Czech Republic is expected to face a mild recession this year, with a gross domestic product (GDP) decline of ...

The Czech National Bank (CNB) reported a record loss of CZK 411.9 billion last year, with a loss of CZK ...