The harvest of basic cereals in the Czech Republic will be 4.7 percent higher this year than last. Farmers will ...

The forthcoming law against disinformation is taking a concrete shape. According to the Interior Ministry, the current version of the ...

There is no end to the price rise in the Czech Republic. The cause is expensive energy, which puts more ...

On Tuesday morning, shares of Czech energy group ČEZ fell nearly 7% on the Prague Stock Exchange, continuing a recent ...

Consumer prices in the Czech Republic continue to rise. In September, the annual inflation rate was 18 percent, 0.8 percentage ...

The wholesale gas price on the European gas exchange in Rotterdam fell below 150 euros (3,670 kroner) per megawatt-hour (MWh) ...

Thermal power plants in some parts of the Czech Republic are already increasing heat prices because of dramatically rising energy ...

The Czech Republic’s unemployment rate increased to 3.5 percent in September, up from 3.4 percent in August. A total of ...

World food prices continued to fall in September. Their index fell for the sixth consecutive month, further away from the ...

Czechs purchased cryptocurrencies worth approximately CZK 2.85 billion in the first three quarters, which is about 28% less than the ...