Demand for home solar power plants and heat pumps, or a combination, has soared. It can take up to half ...

The average old-age pension will rise by CZK 825 on average from next January. Labour and Social Affairs Minister Marian ...

Confidence in the Czech economy fell further in September, falling four points month-on-month to 90.1. Businesses and consumers were more ...

According to their association, shopping malls across the country had record sales in the second quarter of this year, which ...

The Czech Republic could increase its GDP by €15 billion, or roughly CZK 360 billion, by 2030 thanks to the ...

Fifty percent of people have already reduced their spending. Moreover, nine out of ten Czechs expect to tighten their belts ...

This year’s apple harvest in Czech growers’ orchards is expected to increase by 22 percent year-on-year to 133,955 tonnes, according ...

Rather than reduce their household heat consumption during the energy crisis, which may become fully apparent in winter, the Czechs ...

Price increases, in general, are felt by 94 percent of Czechs, with more than a third feeling them very strongly. ...

The Financial Administration records more than CZK 1.5 billion overpayments in road tax advances. The overpayments arose after an amendment ...