Central Park in Jižní Město Set for Completion

Today, the Prague City Council announced the selection of a contractor to complete Central Park in South City. The project, which was decided at the council meeting on July 22, 2024, will see the addition of trees, restrooms, a gazebo, a misting area, and cafes. The selected contractor, CETUS PLUS, offered its services for 74,893,932.05 CZK, excluding VAT.

Deputy Mayor Jana Komrsková (Pirates) emphasized the significance of this project as part of a broader revitalization effort across Prague. “Central Park is another major revitalization we are preparing for the residents of Prague. The restoration of Vítkov Park is already underway, and this year also saw the start of the costly revitalization of Jiřího z Poděbrad Square, including its park. A common thread in all these projects is planting new greenery or improved rainwater absorption in line with our climate plan. Equally important is improving amenities so citizens can actively and comfortably spend their free time in urban greenery,” Komrsková stated in a press release.

The upcoming construction work will focus on completing the central part of the park, which makes up two-thirds of the total area. It will include constructing amenities in the central park area, landscaping, and improving pathways, including bike paths. The work will build on previous stages in 2012 and 2019.

In a related development, the Břevnovské Plivátko Park will be expanded by nearly 15,000 square meters thanks to a contribution agreement. This is part of the city’s broader strategy to cultivate parks, green spaces, and recreational areas throughout Prague. Mayor Bohuslav Svoboda (ODS) highlighted the importance of these projects, stating, “Residents from the surrounding area will benefit from diverse facilities for relaxation, whether it’s the improved bike path, a new café, a gazebo, a grill, and much more, including restrooms. This densely populated part of the city certainly deserves it.”

According to the HUGSI index as of July 23, 2024, greenery covers about 53 percent of Prague, with trees accounting for 28 percent. Prague ranks 40th globally in terms of “greenness” among all the cities assessed, situated between Wrocław, Poland, and Geneva, Switzerland. A total of 289 cities were monitored worldwide.

Care for the city’s greenery is largely managed by the company Lesy hlavního města Prahy. The organisation’s annual report revealed that it treated 2,267 trees in parks and streets in 2023. The organization is responsible for five major parks across the city, including Stromovka, Letenské sady, and the Hvězda game reserve. The team also maintains the park near Čeňek and the western part of Central Park Chodov. Last year, they planted 323 trees in parks and streets, with the Technical Administration of Communications also caring for the tree-lined avenues.