Charitable Donations Decrease as Czechs Save

More than two-fifths of charitable non-profit organizations are experiencing a drop in donations this year. Last year, donors contributed 15.4 billion crowns to helping people with disabilities and those in need, 3.5 billion higher than the previous year. However, this year’s trend is less encouraging, especially in the regions.

These donations represent the primary sources of financing for these organizations, as Klára Šplíchalová of the Donor Forum, which gathered data based on information from the General Financial Directorate, pointed out. Czechs are among the nations that consider helping others necessary. In times of crisis, such as the outbreak of war in Ukraine last year, the willingness to profit increases. According to the Donor Forum, 93 percent of people in the country contribute somehow.

The reason for this year’s outflow of donations, according to Šplíchalová, is mainly high inflation and a drop in real wages. One-third of donors expect to be less generous next year than this year. This is more often the case with people over 60 or with household incomes up to 30,000 crowns. “They fear they wouldn’t handle the situation,” Šplíchalová said.

The decline was also confirmed by Iva Kuchyňková from Charity CR. “We are now preparing the Epiphany collection. Even if donors gave a little more, inflation is such that the value of gifts is decreasing compared to previous years,” she stated.

The director of the Association of Public Benefit Organizations, Monika Jindrová, expressed similar sentiments. “We know that some organizations are having problems. It limits their activities and causes problems, such as personnel costs,” she said. This could lead to reduced staff and, consequently, reduced services provided to households.