Cooler and More Humid Weather Forecasted for Czech Republic in Next Four Weeks

Meteorologists from the Czech Hydrometeorological Institute (CHMI) have issued a weather forecast for the next four weeks, predicting cooler and more humid conditions. The outlook covers the period from May 8 to June 6, with temperatures expected to be at or below average, while rainfall should be average.

According to the forecast, the current week will be more fantastic than average, with nighttime temperatures around 6 °C and daytime temperatures around 17 °C, with Tuesday being the sunniest day. The forecast calls for rain and showers from Wednesday until the end of the week.

The second week of the outlook, from May 15 to 21, should be temperature-wise average, while the third week, from May 22 to 28, may again be more relaxed than average. The forecast predicts nighttime temperatures of around 7 °C and daytime temperatures of about 19 °C during these weeks. The meteorologists do not anticipate significant warming at the beginning of June, with the fourth week of the forecast, from May 29 to June 6, expected to be average, with nighttime temperatures around 9 °C and daytime temperatures around 21 °C.

The monthly outlook provides an overall picture of the weather; not all possible fluctuations are captured. The CHMI warns that the success rate of the temperature outlook is around 75%, while the success rate for precipitation is about 65%. The forecast for the third and fourth weeks often comes close to long-term climate values for the respective periods.

While the forecast does not indicate significant weather disturbances, the cooler and humid conditions may affect certain activities and sectors, such as agriculture or tourism. The outlook can also be helpful for individuals who want to plan outdoor activities or events, giving them an idea of what to expect regarding weather conditions.