Czech Banks Target Gamers with Financial Education

The gaming industry generates enormous profits worldwide, and Czechs are no exception. While there are no precise figures on how much Czechs spend on video games, the Czech Statistical Office shows that 22% of people over 16 used the internet to play or download computer games. It’s not surprising that Czech banks are starting to target gamers.

This week, Ceska sporitelna announced its entry into Twitch’s gaming platform, becoming the first Czech bank to do so. “There are many financial transactions in the gaming industry, whether for purchasing computers, gaming consoles, accessories, games, or even expenses during the gameplay itself. Not all players know how to handle money responsibly. Therefore, we want to help them through advice, tips, or instructions,” said Monika Havrdova from Ceska Sporitelna.

According to the bank’s spokesman, Filip Hruby, the communication with the gaming community on Twitch will not have a product and service sales character. “Our content will have an advisory character – how to manage finances, how not to get into debt, how to build short-term and long-term financial reserves, how to eliminate cyber risks,” said Hruby.

Ceska Sporitelna plans to create its mini-games with the theme of financial health. “We are not entering the gaming industry and the gaming community to exploit sales potential, but to communicate financial health topics, especially to young people who are many times more present on online gaming platforms than elsewhere in the online space or in traditional media,” said Hruby.

Other Czech banks have also understood the potential in this area, although their activities are still relatively rare. “We entered e-sports last year when we organized the largest League of Legends tournament in the Czech Republic with Mastercard. We want to continue this activity and support this prospective community,” said Michal Teubner from Komercni banka.

According to Teubner, the bank wants to participate in e-sports actively. “We are partnering with the organizer of the League of Legends Hitpoint Masters e-sports league at Prague Champs. We also plan to introduce products focused on the gaming community,” said Teubner.

“We also focus on younger clients, for whom it is necessary to choose appropriate ways and formats of communication. They differ today from those aimed at an older target group aged 25 and over. Gaming, the world of online games, social networks, and cooperation with influencers, are crucial for young people, so we are already working with these channels,” said Oldrich Dostal from Air Bank.

The Association of Communication Agencies has already expressed its opinion on the possibility of using gaming, especially e-sports. According to the association, e-sports attract more and more companies and brands due to their marketing potential. It is an industry in which new players, potential consumers, are still coming, establishing new clubs, associations, and the like. Those who focus on this industry have an excellent opportunity to become pioneers.