Czech Public Supports Marriage Equality

A recent survey by the Czech polling agency CVVM found that most Czechs support marriage equality for same-sex couples. The survey, conducted between March 27th and May 22nd of 2021, found that 58% of respondents support the right of same-sex couples to marry.

The survey also found that 83% of Czechs support registered partnerships for same-sex couples, and 77% support allowing same-sex couples to adopt their partner’s children. Additionally, 63% of respondents support allowing same-sex couples to adopt children from orphanages.

The survey revealed that older respondents, those over 65, and those who identified as politically left-leaning were more likely to oppose all the rights surveyed. However, the data showed that attitudes toward same-sex marriage and adoption have steadily shifted. In 2005, only 38% of Czechs supported same-sex marriage.

The survey also found that 54% of Czechs believe that coming out as LGBTQ+ would not cause problems in their community, and 51% reported having a friend or acquaintance who identifies as LGBTQ+.

The survey results come at a time when lawmakers are debating legalizing same-sex marriage in the Czech Republic. The findings suggest that most Czechs support marriage equality and other rights for the LGBTQ+ community.