Czech Republic aims to become a hub for new nuclear technologies, says Prime Minister Fiala

In a recent conference on Effective Energy, Czech Prime Minister Petr Fiala (ODS) stated that the Czech Republic may become a center for new nuclear technologies. He emphasized that nuclear energy will be the backbone of the domestic energy sector, and the Czech Republic has a long-standing tradition in this field.

Fiala added, “We have the ambition to become one of the centers of new nuclear technologies in the world.” He believes that the Czech Republic should utilize its years of experience and know-how with nuclear energy operations instead of being merely a customer of foreign suppliers.

The Prime Minister highlighted that nuclear energy enjoys the support of most experts and the public, which is not often the case abroad. According to government plans, by 2050, nuclear energy should account for up to half of domestic electricity production.

Fiala also pointed out that attitudes towards nuclear energy are changing across Europe, noting the existence of a so-called atomic alliance, which includes 14 European countries, including the Czech Republic.

The Czech Republic is preparing to build a new nuclear block in Dukovany. The energy group ČEZ, which organizes the tender, received applications last year from companies such as EDF, Westinghouse, and KHNP. They all submitted non-binding offers for three more reactors. The government should accept the individual offers by the end of February, and the new block should be completed by 2036.

In addition to traditional reactors, the state is also considering using new technology for small and medium modular reactors. The first reactor is expected to be built in the first half of the 30s in the broader area of the Temelín nuclear power plant. The state is also planning the construction of a deep storage facility for radioactive waste.