Czech Republic Plans for Next Year’s Budget with Record Deficit

Stanislava Benešová, Právo

The Czech Republic is planning a budget with a record deficit of 270 billion korunas ($12.6 billion) for next year, according to Martin Dvorak, the Minister for European Affairs. The government hopes to reduce the deficit to this figure, up from the previously discussed 235 billion korunas.

While the government has not yet discussed the budget details for next year, the issue is expected to be addressed at the next cabinet meeting. The current budget for this year has a deficit of 295 billion korunas, and as of the end of May, the deficit was already at 271.4 billion korunas.

The head of the state treasury, Zbynek Stanjura, has already announced that savings of 20 billion korunas will be needed this year. For next year, the government is planning a consolidation package, which will include increases to corporate taxes, changes to VAT rates, and cuts to some subsidies.

However, the plan for a deficit of 270 billion korunas has been criticized by Miroslav Kalousek, the former finance minister. He has accused the government of being fiscally irresponsible and has stated that it should be managed, not destroyed.

The budget plans come as the country faces economic challenges due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The government has already implemented measures to support the economy, such as a loan guarantee program for small and medium-sized enterprises and a program to keep wages for employees affected by the pandemic.

The government’s plan for next year’s budget has drawn attention to the importance of responsible financial management and the need to balance economic growth with fiscal stability. The country’s economic recovery will depend on its ability to manage its finances effectively and strategically invest in critical areas.

As the government continues to work on its budget plans, it remains to be seen how it will balance the need for economic growth with the need for fiscal stability. However, with careful planning and responsible management, the country can emerge stronger from its economic challenges.