Czech Republic to Experience Warm September Weather

According to the Czech Hydrometeorological Institute (ČHMÚ), temperatures in the Czech Republic will rise again at the beginning of September. After a brief cooling period, this week’s temperatures are expected to be average, with next week’s temperatures above average.

The outlook covers a period of four weeks from August 28 to September 24. Meteorologists predict that the weather will be average to slightly above average.

The first week will be average, with minimum night temperatures starting around 14°C, dropping to about 10°C mid-week, and rising to around 12°C at the end. Maximum daytime temperatures will start at around 18°C and rise to around 26°C by the end of the week.

In the second week, temperatures are expected to be above average, with minimum temperatures around 12°C and maximum temperatures around 23°C. The last two weeks will be moderate in temperature.

Rainfall will be highest this week, with an average of 10-15 mm per week. The first week will have precipitation of over 25 mm, mainly at the beginning of the week.

The Czech Republic is set to enjoy warm weather at the beginning of September, with temperatures reaching 25°C before climbing higher towards the end of the week. Pleasant temperatures are expected to persist throughout the month.

While the monthly outlook expresses the overall weather pattern, it does not account for all possible fluctuations, warns the ČHMÚ. The success rate of the temperature forecast is around 75%, while the success rate of the precipitation forecast is around 65%. The forecast for the third and fourth weeks often comes close to the long-term climatic values for the corresponding periods.

Stay tuned for more updates on the weather in the Czech Republic.