Czech Tourists Pay for Comfort and Quality Despite Slight Price Increases

This year, major travel agencies in the Czech Republic report a 30% increase in demand for holiday packages. The most popular destinations among Czechs include Greece, Egypt, Turkey, Spain, Italy, and Bulgaria. With the average price of a summer trip hovering around eighteen thousand crowns, it is clear that more and more Czechs are willing to pay for comfort and quality services, even at higher costs.

According to Kateřina Chaloupková, the director of the Association of Czech Travel Agencies and Agents, the prices of sold trips have seen only minimal increases this year, rising by just a few percentage points. In recent years, the demand for higher-category hotels has increased prices. Interestingly, destinations like Egypt are currently cheaper for Czechs than two years ago. Jiřina Ekrt Jirušková, a spokesperson for the travel agency India, mentioned that a week-long air trip to Egypt with all-inclusive accommodation in a four-star hotel could be purchased for as low as eight thousand crowns, a similar deal applies to Tunisia.

Czech tourists are increasingly opting for all-inclusive packages. Chaloupková noted a rising demand for holidays in five-star hotels by the sea, complete with all-inclusive dining and additional services such as private transfers from the airport, sea-view rooms, and flight seats. This preference for higher comfort and quality is reflected in the booking statistics, with 75% of Invia’s customers choosing all-inclusive deals and 87% opting for air travel.

Marketing Director of Alexandria Travel Agency, Petr Šatný, highlighted that many customers prefer spending part of their savings on travel experiences rather than risk losing value due to inflation. This sentiment has driven the average price of a summer trip in 2024 to just under eighteen thousand crowns, typically for a week-long stay at a four-star hotel with all-inclusive dining and air travel. The same trip cost around fifteen thousand crowns in 2019.

Despite the slight price increase, bus trips remain a more affordable option, with the average price for air trips expected to stay between nineteen and twenty thousand crowns. Regarding price and quality, the most cost-effective destinations include Bulgaria, Egypt, Tunisia, Turkey, and Albania. Greek islands like Thassos and Lesbos are also among the top choices. The emergence of new destinations yearly, with Albania and Oman being the latest additions, keeps the market dynamic.

Czechs are not just traveling during the summer; there is a noticeable increase in the number of travelers taking two or three holidays a year. During the winter, Czech travelers increasingly head to exotic destinations such as the Dominican Republic, Thailand, and Zanzibar. This shift indicates a growing trend of Czechs seeking diverse and enriching travel experiences throughout the year.