Czech Workers Willing to Work for Lower Wages at 30-Year High, Survey Shows

A recent survey by the STEM agency has shown that the number of Czechs willing to work for lower wages has reached a 30-year high, with roughly three-fifths of people in the workforce indicating they would be willing to do so in the face of job loss. This comes amidst a recent surge in concerns over unemployment. Nearly two-fifths of those surveyed expressed fear of losing their jobs.

Despite these concerns, the percentage of Czechs willing to work for lower wages is at its lowest since 1993. Only 58% of respondents said they would accept a lower income. This contrasts the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, where 73% of people were willing to work for less, and the 2008-2014 economic crisis, where up to 80% were willing to accept lower wages.

The STEM survey also found that concerns over unemployment are highest among people nearing retirement age or those who feel they are poorly secured or impoverished.

However, the rising cost of living has made it difficult for many to accept lower wages. According to STEM analyst Kateřina Duspivová, many people can no longer afford to accept less pay.

The survey also found fewer people would be willing to relocate for work in case of job loss. Only 35% of those surveyed would be willing to move to another region for employment opportunities. This contrasts the 2008 economic crisis, where over 40% of Czechs were willing to relocate for work.

The STEM agency surveyed 1,059 Czech citizens over 18 in May. While the unemployment rate has been gradually decreasing since March, it remains higher than it was at the same time last year.

Importance of Understanding Employee Needs

This survey highlights the importance of understanding employee needs. Employers should be mindful of the concerns and priorities of their workforce. By understanding what motivates and concerns their employees, employers can create a work environment that is more productive and efficient.

Evaluating User Feedback Effectively

One way to understand employee needs is through user feedback. However, it is essential to evaluate this feedback effectively. Employers should be careful not to dismiss feedback that may be critical or negative. Instead, they should use this feedback to identify areas for improvement and work to address these concerns.

Promoting Existing Research Projects

Another critical area for employers is promoting existing research projects. By highlighting the importance of ongoing research and the contributions of their workforce, employers can foster a sense of pride and ownership among their employees. This can lead to increased productivity and engagement in the workplace.