Digital Addictions on the Rise: Children and Adults Alike Affected

In an increasingly connected world, a troubling trend is emerging: digital addictions are skyrocketing among both children and adults in the Czech Republic. A recent report highlights many individuals seeking professional help for their unhealthy relationship with technology.

The symptoms are alarming: lack of focus, skipping meals, and sleep deprivation, all while compulsively checking screens even when it’s no longer enjoyable. Nearly a third of adults report internet-related problems, often sacrificing basic needs like food and rest for more screen time. Similarly, children and adolescents neglect hobbies, struggle in school, and spend less time with family and friends.

Social media usage among teenagers is particularly concerning, with about 20% spending four or more hours daily on these platforms. Pavla Chomynová, co-author of the study, warns that early exposure to social media can lead to addictive behaviors, much like substance abuse.

The number of people seeking outpatient treatment for internet, mobile phone, and digital technology addiction has more than doubled since 2015. Experts believe these figures are likely underestimated due to inconsistent reporting methods.

Psychologist Radka Kůřilová reveals a startling statistic: 86% of teenagers report that their parents rarely or never discuss their online activities. She emphasizes the importance of open communication, suggesting parents ask about their children’s online experiences as routinely as they inquire about their day at school.

To address this growing issue, the Czech Republic now offers 125 programs specifically designed to help individuals struggling with digital technology overuse. Experts urge those affected to seek help from addiction specialists, who are well-equipped to handle these modern challenges.