Digital IDs to Replace Physical Cards in Czech Republic

The Czech government has approved a proposal to allow citizens to use digital identification instead of physical cards. The change, which could take effect in January 2024 pending approval from the Senate and the President, would allow citizens to use a digital version of their ID card to prove their identity at government offices, post offices, and police stations.

The move aims to give people more options and flexibility in proving their identity. “Usage will be voluntary; citizens will be able to decide freely which card they want to use,” said Ivan Bartoš, the Minister for Regional Development.

The digital IDs will be available through a mobile application, which will allow citizens to access their personal information and use it to verify their identity. This means that people only need to have their phone to prove their identity, making it more convenient and accessible.

The change is part of a broader effort to modernize government services and make them more efficient and user-friendly. It also aims to reduce the paperwork and bureaucracy associated with traditional physical IDs.

However, despite the move towards digital IDs, the government has decided to keep using personal identification numbers in ID cards. This comes after a survey showed that most people were not bothered by having their personal information on their IDs and that the costs of replacing IDs with anonymous identifiers would be prohibitively high.