Empty Fairgrounds: Prague’s Annual Carnival Fails to Draw Crowds

Since March 22, there has been a fair in front of the Arkady Pankrác shopping center in Prague. Better said, a carnival. Attractions are visible here every year. Locals have gotten used to them, and they often become a pleasant distraction for many evenings. But this year looks different.

We walked around the swans and the racetrack almost every day. And every day, the same situation repeated itself. The vast space was empty. There may be several reasons, from the weather, which is not precisely suitable for this kind of entertainment, to an economic regime that many families, not only in Prague, have adopted.

The prices on-site are not exorbitantly high

The famous racetrack costs one hundred crowns, and the swans cost fifty. Even so, no one rushes to the place. We mapped the situation for about a week, from the end of March to the beginning of April.

We liked it there. The sky was overcast, and the temperature was around ten degrees Celsius at best. However, operators waited in vain for customers. We saw a few of them standing before the base and looking around. Although streams of people headed to the shopping center or the metro, many of them didn’t even notice the place where the ice rink grew over the winter.

However, there is little to criticize about the space: accessible public transport, several schools, a shopping center, and a populous urban district. The carnival is operated by the Janeček family, who, along with the Kludský, Kočkový, and Berouskový families, are traditional organizers of similar events.

The carnival will be available until April 14. It is open on weekends from 10:00 am to 8:00 pm and weekdays from 2:00 pm to 8:00 pm.