“Every Can Counts” Campaign: Taking Recycling to the Streets of Prague

The non-profit organization “Každá plechovka se počítá” (“Every Can Counts”) has organized a new campaign in Prague to raise awareness about the importance of recycling aluminum cans. According to a survey conducted by the organization, half of the people in Prague do not recycle their aluminum cans, even though they are infinitely recyclable. The campaign takes place during the first weekend of June, coinciding with World Environment Day on June 5th, and is part of the “International Recycling Tour,” held in 18 cities worldwide.

The campaign ambassadors will walk the streets of Prague with large green backpacks, collecting aluminum cans from passersby. They will also be at the “Pražské primátorky” event on the Vltava riverbank. The campaign is also supported by the Prague 2 district, where the ambassadors will be present in the Folimanka area as part of the DobroSwap event. The district’s mayor, Alexandra Udženija, emphasized the importance of proper waste disposal and recycling, as it ultimately saves nature and energy.

The aluminum cans collected during the campaign will be used to create a giant “pixelcan” mosaic on the Vltava riverbank. The mosaic will comprise over two thousand cans, each representing a single pixel. The event’s attendees and passersby can watch the “pixelcan” being assembled. The campaign’s organizers hope the event will encourage people to recycle their aluminum cans and take a more active role in protecting the environment.

A survey conducted by the STEM/MARK agency, which was commissioned by “Každá plechovka se počítá,” found that approximately one-third of consumers still throw their aluminum cans in the trash, with another 19% doing so if the proper container for metal waste is not available nearby. More recycling bins for sorted metal waste closer to homes would help seventy percent of respondents to recycle more consistently.

The campaign’s organizer, Tereza Gyurjánová, said the lack of places to dispose of aluminum cans is the most significant problem. She believes implementing a deposit system for aluminum cans, which is currently being discussed, could help solve this problem. However, there will still be places where such a system is unavailable, such as outdoor events and festivals, where the “Every Can Counts” campaign comes in.

The “International Recycling Tour” is held annually in several European cities, including Vienna, Budapest, and Brussels. The tour aims to inspire behavior change and help achieve 100% recycling of aluminum cans in Europe and beyond.

“Every Can Counts” calls on everyone – consumers, local authorities, brands, and event organizers – to join forces and find better ways to recycle while having fun.