Ferry Services in Prague Resume After Warning on High Water Levels Lifted

Stanislava Benešová

In Prague, the resumption of ferry services has relieved commuters, tourists, and locals alike. After a warning from the Czech Hydrometeorological Institute (ČHMÚ) regarding high water levels in the Vltava River, the flood commission of the city of Prague temporarily halted ferry services and flood gates on Čertovka. However, with the expiration of the warning on Monday, the benefits have resumed, much to the delight of the people.

Officials have reported that water levels in the Vltava, Berounka, and Sazava rivers, essential for Prague’s flood situation, have decreased despite recent rains. ČHMÚ had issued the warning due to heavy rains and manipulations of water levels in the Vltava cascade. The first-degree flood activity was declared in Prague on April 16, and the walkways along the river were opened on April 20.

The decision to resume the ferry services and reopen flood gates is critical to ensuring the area’s safety during the flood season. The flood commission plays a crucial role in monitoring water levels and ensuring the safety of the residents and visitors of the city. This decision will relieve people who rely on transportation services, and it is hoped that the water levels in the rivers will decrease to avoid any future warnings.