First RegioPanter Train Embarks on its Maiden Journey from Prague to Kralupy

The new regional train set RegioPanter, in the colors of Prague Integrated Transport, completed its first journey with passengers on the track between Prague and Kralupy nad Vltavou on Monday. By the end of this year, 22 new units are expected to be deployed on tracks in Prague, Central Bohemia, and the Ústí Region, increasing the capacity of suburban electric trains by nearly 5,000 seats.

According to the director of Czech Railways, Michal Krapinc, these modern RegioPanter trains, offering 225 seating places, will be the new backbone of the regional fleet. They promise passengers a level of comfort previously known only from long-distance connections. The trains are air-conditioned, barrier-free, and equipped with Wi-Fi and charging stations.

The train conductor, Jaroslav Pros, commented on the first journey, “It’s definitely pleasant because it’s quiet, an order of magnitude quieter than we were used to. The stability of the ride also seemed better to me after the first ride.” The journey from the capital to Kralupy took about thirty minutes.

The current test operation of RegioPanter serves primarily for staff familiarization. Depending on the needs, up to three pairs of connections between Prague and Kralupy set off daily. From December, they will become the domain of the S4 line from Prague to Kralupy and Ústí nad Labem.

“New trains are an attractive alternative to individual motorists and will help relieve congested roads in the Central Bohemian Region,” believes the governor, Petra Pecková (for STAN). According to the director of the company Ropid, which organizes public transport in Prague and its surroundings, new trains could attract more passengers from among drivers who fight for a place on the D8 motorway or the roads from Roztoky or Horoměřice to Dejvice every day.