Fuel Prices Continue to Rise in the Czech Republic, Diesel Crosses 38 Kč Mark

Fuel prices in the Czech Republic have once again increased since last week. The most popular gasoline type, Natural 95, has gone up by 22 haléřů to an average of 39.75 Kč/l. The price for a liter of diesel has risen to an average of 38.04 Kč/l, which is 25 haléřů more than the previous Wednesday. The diesel price has crossed the 38 Kč mark for the first time since mid-December last year. These findings come from data provided by CCS, a company that monitors fuel prices. Fuel prices have gradually been rising since late May of this year.

The increase in diesel prices accelerated when, at the beginning of August, the consumption tax on diesel was raised by 1.50 koruny per liter. Since then, the price has risen by more than four koruny. At the start of the month, according to CCS data, a liter of diesel cost an average of 33.95 koruny. The consumption tax on diesel has returned to the level in place until June of last year, when the government lowered it due to high prices, significantly relieving transporters.

Despite the prolonged price increase, fuel in the Czech Republic is still cheaper than it was at the same time last year during the Russian attack on Ukraine. Gasoline is 76 haléřů per liter more affordable than a year ago, and a liter of diesel cost nearly seven koruny more back then.

Drivers in the South Bohemian Region enjoy the cheapest fuel, with an average of 39.30 Kč per liter of gasoline and 37.55 Kč/l for diesel. On the other hand, fuel stations in Prague have consistently been the most expensive. In the capital city, the average price for a liter of gasoline is 40.88 Kč, and for a liter of diesel, it’s 39.29 Kč.

Moreover, the price of Natural 95 has come close to last year’s levels, with the average in the city now lower by only 61 haléřů compared to the end of August last year. The situation is more favorable for drivers of diesel cars, as they pay 6.66 koruny less per liter of diesel than they did a year ago.

The average margin of fuel stations is lower than in the past, stated Stanjura.