Fuel Prices in Flux: Gasoline Increases While Diesel Decreases

In the recent week, the Czech Republic has seen fluctuating fuel prices. The most popular gasoline, Natural 95, increased by 15 haléřů, averaging at 36.01 Kč/l. In contrast, diesel prices decreased by ten haléřů, with an average cost of 36.08 Kč per litre. This information comes from the CCS company that monitors fuel prices.

The fuel prices in the Czech Republic have been consistently decreasing since last October, but the decline halted at the beginning of this year. Analysts don’t expect significant changes in fuel prices in the coming days. “The price of diesel should continue to decrease slightly, but it is unlikely to break away from the 36 koruna level anytime soon,” says XTB analyst Jiří Tyleček.

On the other hand, there is no clear trend for gasoline prices. According to Tyleček, only minor price changes are expected in the coming days. He attributes the current price development of diesel to the relatively mild winter and the associated lower demand for heating oil.

Petr Lajsek, an analyst from Purple Trading, also expects minimal price movements currently. However, he suggests that fuel prices could significantly decrease towards the end of the month due to the events in the oil market. He pointed out the surprising increase in OPEC’s production in December, where, according to Lajsek, there is currently disagreement on restricting production. “This OPEC disagreement is reassuring the markets, and the price of oil fell towards the end of the week,” added Lajsek.

The cheapest fuels are in South Bohemia. Drivers there can fuel up with a litre of gasoline for an average of 35.31 Kč, and a litre of diesel for 35.42 Kč. In contrast, the most expensive fuels are offered by gas stations in Prague. Gasoline costs an average of 38.15 Kč/l in the capital, and diesel is tanked at an average of 38.13 Kč/l.

In a year-over-year comparison, gasoline in the Czech Republic is now 32 haléřů per litre cheaper than last year according to CCS data, while motorists paid 1.41 Kč per litre more for diesel last year.