Heavy Snowfall Causes Traffic Complications in Eastern Czech Republic

Heavy snowfall has been causing complications in the eastern region of the Czech Republic since the early hours of yesterday. Roadways in the Zlín Region are passable, but warrant increased caution. Many of them are covered with freshly driven snow, and snow showers are reducing visibility in some places. There have also been problems in traffic, further complicating the situation.

The snowfall has caused issues in Kroměříž as well. In connection with the snowfall, police and firefighters are already intervening in traffic accidents, most of which are minor. “Kroměříž professional firefighters were called shortly after seven in the morning to Březinova Street due to a traffic accident between a van and a personal car, with which the driver crashed into a public lighting pole. Fortunately, the accident happened without injuries,” explained Lucie Javoříková, a spokesperson for the regional firefighters.

According to the Czech Hydrometeorological Institute in the Zlín Region, snow is predicted to fall throughout the morning. The skies are expected to remain overcast throughout the day. Road workers are plowing the roads with their snowplows, and smaller technology has also been deployed in the cities to take care of snow clearance from the sidewalks.

The highest afternoon temperatures are expected to vary between minus one and one degree Celsius. According to ČTK, the wind will be light.

The heavy snowfall and resulting traffic complications underscore the importance of caution while driving in winter. Drivers must maintain a safe speed, keep a sufficient distance from the vehicle in front, and ensure it is equipped with suitable winter tires. The current situation also highlights the dedication of local authorities and emergency services to keep the roads safe and clear.