Hot Week in The Czech Republic

The hottest week of June has just begun in the Czech Republic. Warm southwest to south winds will cause the highest afternoon temperatures to reach over 30°C, and this year’s first tropical night is expected when temperatures will not drop below 20°C. However, in humid air, thunderstorms will arise in some places, occasionally very strong, bringing heavy rain, hail, and strong winds.

On Monday, we can initially expect clear to partly cloudy skies. However, it will be cloudy during the day, and later in the afternoon, isolated showers or thunderstorms may appear in the country’s northwestern part.

The afternoon temperatures will reach between 26 to 31°C, around 25°C in the north, according to meteorologist Dagmar Honsová.

Tuesday will be partly cloudy to cloudy, and during the day, we need to expect rain or showers and thunderstorms, which may occasionally be very strong. Morning temperatures will range from 17 to 13°C, and afternoon temperatures will rise between 28 to 33°C.

Wednesday will bring overcast skies, with rain, showers, and thunderstorms in some places, occasionally very strong. Morning temperatures will range from 19 to 13°C, and afternoon temperatures will reach 28 to 32°C.

It will be overcast and sometimes rainy on Thursday, with thunderstorms occasionally powerful. Morning temperatures will range from 20 to 15°C, and afternoon temperatures will range from 27 to 32°C.

It will be overcast on Friday, with occasional showers, rain, and thunderstorms. Morning temperatures will be between 19 to 15°C and afternoon temperatures will range from 22 to 26°C.

Overall, the last weekend of June is expected to be mostly clear to partly cloudy, with occasional showers due to transiently enlarged cloudiness. Morning temperatures will range from 16 to 12°C, and afternoon temperatures will be between 21 to 26°C.