In response to security concerns, Prague City Hall has prohibited its employees from using TikTok on their work devices

Prague City Hall has prohibited employees from using TikTok on their work devices. The ban comes as a response to concerns over the security of the Chinese-owned video-sharing app.

The decision was announced on Monday, with Prague Mayor Zdeněk Hřib explaining that the ban was implemented to protect the sensitive information stored on the city’s computer systems.

“We have banned the use of TikTok on Prague City Hall devices due to concerns over the security of the application,” said Hřib.

The move follows similar decisions by other governments worldwide, including the United States, India, and Australia, who have all raised concerns over TikTok’s links to the Chinese government and its potential to collect user data.

TikTok has denied any accusations of wrongdoing, stated that it stores its data outside of China, and implemented strict data privacy policies.

However, the ban on TikTok in Prague City Hall is expected to remain in place for the foreseeable future, with officials stating that they will continue to monitor the app’s security and make decisions based on any new information available.