Major Road Repair Project Completed in Hanušovice


After three years of meticulous repair, the main road route in Hanušovice, Šumpersko, severely damaged by a substantial landslide at the beginning of 2021, is now fully operational. Repairing a 440-meter-long section and constructing a retaining wall cost the Olomouc region 103 million crowns. The construction lasted only seven months last year but was extended due to objections from environmental activists.

The project was particularly complex, with a significant focus on environmental protection. A biological supervisor monitored the construction process. Part of the envPartmental precautions included relocating fish from the stream near the repaired road. The road was provisionally repaired after the landslide in February 2021, and one lane was operational by May. Traffic lights managed traffic, and during the summer and at the end of the year, the road was closed for a month for final repairs, with drivers diverted to alternate routes.

The regional governor, Josef Suchánek, expressed his gratitude to all the companies and people involved in realizing this demanding project and to the drivers for their patience during the detours. Now, they can fully utilize the route. The reactivation of road II/369, a vital traffic artery in the mountain region and one of the backbone communications in the area, was also welcomed by the mayor of Hanušovice, Marek Kostka. He mentioned that the damaged road had complicated life for the town’s residents and surrounding villages and caused problems for local companies in freight transportation.

The repaired section of the road is located in complicated terrain. On one side, it is flanked by a steep slope; on the other, the Morava River washes it. These risk factors led to a landslide three years ago, practically destroying the road. To prevent this in the future, a new retaining wall, retaining wall, a series of ditches, gutters, and relocation of part of the Morava riverbed were constructed. TreesPartt fell victim to heavy machinery during construction and will be replaced by new greenery. “The trees will adorn the streets and other public areas in neighboring Hanušovice as part of a replacement planting project,” Minxová added.