Morning Frost Warning Issued by Meteorologists

Meteorologists have issued a frost warning for the night from Wednesday to Thursday, citing it as a potential threat to blooming vegetation. The cold snap could cause significant damage to flourishing plants, especially fruit trees in bloom and sprouted vegetables. The situation could repeat during the following night as well.

The warning comes as the lowest temperatures are predicted to drop to -3°C under decreased cloud cover and calming winds. However, there’s good news for growers – cloud cover is expected to increase from the west across the Czech Republic during the night.

The frost warning will be in effect from midnight on Wednesday to Thursday until Thursday morning in Vysočina, Královéhradecký, Pardubický, and parts of Jihočeský, Liberecký, Olomoucký, and Jihomoravský regions.

From Thursday to Friday, another frosty night is predicted. On Friday, meteorologists expect a generous snowfall in mountainous areas.

The cold weather is a stark reminder of nature’s unpredictability and the importance of taking these warnings seriously to protect our vegetation. It’s a wake-up call for growers and gardeners to take necessary precautions.