Nearly Three-Fifths of People Work During Vacation

The summer vacation season for Czechs ranges from a few days to as long as five weeks. A significant portion, 36 per cent, take or will take a two-week vacation, 23 per cent are content with a week off, and 21 per cent enjoy four or more vacations. However, vacations do not always mean complete rest. Most people continue to work for their employers during their time off.

Nearly 60 percent of Czechs work at least occasionally during their vacations by checking emails and taking work calls. “This work during vacation may be a result of increasing pressure for availability and flexibility, as well as the use of modern devices that are completely mobile and can be taken anywhere,” commented Miroslav Dravecký from the portal, which published the numbers based on a recent survey.

According to Dravecký, a third of people completely disconnect from work during their vacation, not turning on their email or taking work calls. However, 29 per cent of employees cannot resist checking their email occasionally and taking urgent work calls.

Thirteen per cent of people do not turn on their email but at least occasionally take phone calls. The same proportion of people do not want to check email or take phone calls, but their job positions require it.

Czechs most often take their vacations intermittently throughout the year. This suits them especially because they can rest periodically, often aligning with school and public holidays. A quarter of people save up days for one long vacation and always keep a few days for the holiday season.

According to the survey, 92 percent of Czechs will use up their vacation days this year and carry over a maximum of a few days to the next year. The rest use their vacation days minimally and carry them over as much as possible.