New Bridge on Horizon, Old One to Find New Home

Správa železnic

State officials and the Administration of Railways (SŽ) plan to construct a new railway bridge at Výtoň. At the same time, they’re seeking a new location for the old structure, which could continue serving as a bridge elsewhere. The Transport Minister, Martin Kupka, revealed these plans in a recent interview.

The design for the new bridge emerged from an architectural competition. The state plans to submit the new bridge project for an internationally recognized assessment of its impact on cultural heritage. Negotiations are also designed with the international organization UNESCO.

The results of the SŽ competition were announced late last year. Subsequently, there was a wave of criticism against the plan to replace the culturally protected structure. However, Kupka assured that they fully recognize the cultural value of the current bridge. “We will continue with the intentions of the architectural competition, fully recognizing the cultural value of the current bridge. There will be no removal of the truss riveted structure,” said Kupka.

The goal, he added, is for the protected structure to continue serving as a pedestrian and cyclist bridge in another location.

Prague is considering two locations in Modřany to relocate the culturally protected but deteriorating bridge. The potential sites are above and below the lock chamber, where there are currently ferries.