New Green Savings Program: Czech Republic Offers Millions in Subsidies for Energy-Saving Measures in Residential Buildings

Residential buildings in the Czech Republic can receive millions in subsidies for energy-saving measures, including insulation, new windows, and more. The “New Green Savings” program also allows small businesses to apply for a portion of the available funding, which can amount to up to CZK 500,000 from special separate grant programs. Owners of residential buildings, unit owners’ associations, or appointed unit owners may apply for support, but the grant is often unavailable for new construction.

By combining several measures, buildings can receive a bonus of up to CZK 150,000. Half of the eligible expenses for insulation of exterior walls, roofs, ceilings, and floors, as well as for window or door replacement, can be covered by subsidies. The grant ranges from CZK 700 to CZK 3,800 per square meter, depending on the surface area of the insulated structure and the building’s achieved energy parameters. The higher the quality of the insulation, the greater the support.

The grant can also be used for heritage-protected buildings, provided that the application for building permission was submitted before July 1, 2013. Additionally, there is a grant for replacing non-ecological boilers with biomass boilers or heat pumps, which can amount to millions of crowns, depending on the number of units. Unit owners can apply separately for a grant to replace solid fuel sources. Still, support cannot be granted for repeated replacements if the previous one was supported after January 1, 2009.

A subsidy of CZK, 25,000 per apartment can be obtained for biomass boilers, including an accumulation tank or automatic fuel delivery, and up to CZK 40,000 for heat pumps. Connection to the heat supply system is subsidized by CZK 10,000, while combined production of electricity and heat is supported by CZK 30,000 per apartment. The grant can also be used to purchase and install a system for preparing hot water using solar panels or a heat pump, which can also amount to several million crowns.

The program supports solar thermal and photovoltaic water heating, possibly supporting heating and heating with heat pumps. The grant also covers system accessories and connections but cannot be used for new construction. Residential buildings can also receive a commission for central systems that utilize heat from wastewater, including accessories and links to the system, but again, new construction is excluded. Finally, up to CZK 300,000 per building can be used to purchase green roofs.