Opening of the Longest Ski Slope in the Czech Republic

The Czech Republic is set to open its longest ski slope this Friday at Dolní Morava, nestled beneath the Králický Sněžník mountain. Skiers can relish a 3.7-kilometer long run with a single push-off. This achievement surpasses the previous records held by the 3.26-kilometer-long slope in Ramzová, Jeseníky, and the 2.95-kilometer-long slope at Klínovec in Jáchymov.

A proficient skier can descend the longest slope in roughly four minutes, making it a thrilling experience for winter sports enthusiasts. Additionally, the slope is a pleasant one, boasting a width of at least 25 meters, according to Šárka Braunerová from the Mountain Resort Dolní Morava.

The resort inaugurated the season last weekend and is now commencing daily operations. The opening weekend saw around a thousand skiers, and while the expectations were perhaps slightly higher, the attendance was likely affected by adverse weather conditions, states spokesperson Braunerová. The cable car transport capacity stands at 2,400 skiers per hour.

From this Friday, daily skiing will commence at Dolní Morava. The average snow depth on the slopes is sixty centimeters, of which approximately half is natural snow, the rest artificial.

The resort has recently invested 600 million crowns in snowmaking, including constructing two snowmaking lakes with a total volume of over one hundred thousand cubic meters. In total, six kilometers of ski slopes will be available, including Slamník, Vyhlídková in total length, Sněžník B, and Kamila. In addition, 48 kilometers of cross-country trails have been prepared in the top parts.