Population of the Czech Republic Increases by 46,000 in First Half of 2023

The population of the Czech Republic has increased by 46,000 in the first half of 2023, reaching a total of 10.87 million people. According to data released by the Czech Statistical Office (ČSÚ), the increase is due to migration, particularly from Ukraine.

The number of deaths has exceeded the number of births, contributing to the population increase. The number of children born, deaths, marriages, and divorces has decreased year-on-year.

From January to the end of June, 79,776 people immigrated to the Czech Republic from abroad, while 22,266 emigrated. Statistics show that citizens of Ukraine continue to dominate both inflows and outflows of foreign migration. Among the immigrants are also Ukrainians granted temporary protection due to Russian military aggression.

The population increase has implications for various aspects of Czech society, including the job market, housing, and public services. As the number of people increases, so do their needs and demands.

The government is expected to address these issues, including investing in infrastructure and public services, creating job opportunities, and improving access to affordable housing.