Prague 10 Begins Preparations for Moving City Hall to Temporary Building

Rudolf Komár

The Prague 10 office has begun preparations to move from its current building on Vršovická Street to a temporarily rented building in Strašnice. The move is set to begin at the end of August. Despite having insufficient funds for expensive renovations, the office is forced to relocate due to the poor condition of the current building from the 1970s. The future of the inadequate building is still being discussed by Prague 10 management.

According to a spokesperson for the office, document archiving, disposal, initial moving work, and property inventory have already begun. The relocation will be carried out in a manner that won’t disrupt the office’s overall operations. The chief architect’s office will be the first department to physically move to the new city hall at the end of August, followed by other departments. Everything is currently pursuing the approved plan.

The office will be moved to a rented building on Vinohradská Street near the Vinice tram stop. According to earlier reports, Prague 10 will lease the space from Carpet Invest for CZK 2.9 million per month without VAT, with an additional approximately CZK 1 million for monthly deposits. The municipal district has signed a four-year lease with six six-month extension options. Meanwhile, they must figure out how to proceed with the city hall reconstruction.

The municipal district has been preparing the reconstruction project for several years, with previous estimates indicating that the work would cost almost CZK 1 billion. However, according to representatives from the municipal district’s management in May, the pandemic and subsequent war in Ukraine and rising construction prices drove the costs far beyond the original limit. The current administration of Prague 10 is now considering whether to find the funds for the renovations or to proceed differently, such as selling the building and renting it from a new owner.

In the meantime, Prague 10 is offering a special lunch menu for seniors for less than CZK 80. The municipal district is inviting its seniors to the affordable lunch menu as part of its cooperation in helping them with their difficult financial situation.

The situation with the inadequate office of the municipal district has been a topic of discussion for some time. The previous management of Prague 10 had considered various options, including constructing a new city hall for an estimated CZK 775 million. However, after criticism, the plan was scrapped. Moving the office to an unused school in Strašnice was considered, but the previous management ultimately decided to reconstruct the city hall.