Prague Invests in Public Art Installations

Dopravní podnik hl. m. Prahy, Novinky

The city of Prague is set to invest almost 34 million Czech koruna in acquiring public art. City councilors’ decision paves the way for the installation of works by sculptor Krištof Kintera and artist Jan Poš.

Under the Dvorecký Bridge, a construction costing more than a billion Czech koruna, a botanical garden-like installation composed of Kintera’s lamps will be created. The lamps, approximately 120 specimens from various countries worldwide, will bring a global touch to the local scene. The city has allocated 15 million Czech koruna for this project, according to Deputy Mayor Jiří Pospíšil.

Kintera’s installation will comprise dozens of street lamps from all corners of the globe gathered under the project “Light Removes Darkness.” This project combines art and functionality, lighting up the area under the bridge in a unique and artistic manner.

In addition, Prague will pay even more, 18.7 million Czech koruna, for installing a new work in the vestibule at Florenc. Jan Poš’s work “Synapse” won the “Light for Metro” competition last year. The work is set to complete the current demanding construction work, during which the ceiling slab is being changed.

Poš’s sculpture, suggesting a nerve network or a city transport system through electrical discharges, will be placed on the wall opposite the main staircase of the underpass. It will be revealed when moving up the stairs and part of the daily journey. The format and style of the work enliven and expand the existing mosaic – “The Battle of Sokolov”, thus creating a bridge between the history and present of the metropolitan area.