Prague is Alive Again: A Report on the City’s Revival

After a long period of lockdowns and restrictions, Prague is finally returning to life. The streets of the capital are once again filled with people enjoying the city’s warm weather and sights and sounds.

The return of life and tourism to the capital is not limited to weekends. People are out and about daily, and the city is bustling with energy. From Old Town Square to Wenceslas Square, the streets are filled with crowds eager to enjoy all Prague has to offer.

The cafes and restaurants are busy again, and the shops are full of weekend shoppers. People are lining up for ice cream on Národní třída and for boat and paddle rentals on Žofín. The parks are full of families, seniors, and students relaxing and enjoying the sunshine.

As we wandered through the city on a Sunday afternoon, we couldn’t help but smile at the sight of so many people out and about. It truly feels like Prague has come back to life.

Lawrence Ferlinghetti once said that the world is a beautiful place to be born. And after seeing the vibrant energy of Prague’s streets, we couldn’t agree more.