Prague Saves A Third On Electricity Costs Compared To The Government Limit

Prague is set to save approximately one-third of its electricity costs this year, amounting to around 120 million Czech korunas. This is according to the representatives of the city and the municipal company Technologie hlavního města Prahy (THMP), which is temporarily responsible for purchasing electricity for the municipality and its affiliated organizations.

The savings were achieved by THMP, which already procures electricity for public lighting, and by purchasing electricity and gas for the municipality and its affiliated organizations. The city experienced difficulties last year with the electricity procurement for itself and its approximately 200 organizations, but THMP has provided a solution, resulting in significant savings.

The city is also planning to continue with THMP’s services in the future. According to the mayor, Bohuslav Svoboda, the next council meeting will decide whether THMP will continue providing electricity next year or even for a more extended period. THMP plans to reduce electricity costs by actively regulating consumption and installing solar panels on city buildings.

Aside from providing electricity for public lighting and municipal buildings, THMP also provides electricity for affiliated organizations such as schools, cultural and social facilities, and children’s and youth centers. These organizations had already budgeted for higher electricity costs, so THMP’s savings would be used for other purposes.

The savings are expected to be targeted towards the modernization of energy and savings, for example, by installing photovoltaic panels on rooftops. The mayor also emphasized that the savings should be used to support the energy transition.