Prague to Revitalize Ponds and Fountains

The city of Prague has approved an investment plan to revitalize Prosek and Bubec ponds as well as water features at Letna. After the project is completed, the ponds will serve as recreation areas, and the fountains at Letna will provide water to the popular meeting place by the Metronome.

According to the city, these ponds are essential features of the landscape that contribute to fulfilling the city’s climate plan and cooling the climate. The city aims to restore the water of Prague’s nature to the people, with new seating and grilling areas to be added at Bubec Pond, while Prosek Pond will receive a new spring, and its surroundings will be cleaned up. Two fountains and additional water features will also be added to Letna to provide more relaxing places, especially during hot summer days.

The city council has approved the investment plan, which will be carried out by Prague’s environmental and climate plan office.

Bubec Pond, located in Prague’s Reporyje district, is in deplorable condition, according to the website The drainage system is damaged and inefficient, overflowing water onto the road during heavy rain. The reconstruction will include a new drainage system, safety overflow, and repairs to the embankments. The reconstruction will also have a new water access point and entrance to the pond, as well as a barbecue area and the restoration of the Oresky Stream, which feeds the pond. The city is investing approximately 10 million Czech koruna in this project.

Prosek Pond in Prague 9 will also be renovated, with a new drainage system to ensure the pond can be adequately drained. The embankment will be lined with stones in the upper part to provide a gentle slope for water birds and amphibians to easily reach the shore. The current steep concrete embankment is a trap for many animals. The renovation will cost nearly 3 million Czech koruna.

The Letna water features project will include the installation of an electrical connection to the pumping station, the construction of a rainwater drainage system to divert water from the Metronome to the pond, and the beginning of preparatory work on two fountains and a water feature on the western arm of the former Stalin Monument. The project will cost 15 million Czech koruna.

The revitalization will be carried out by the Lesy Hlavniho Mesta Prahy organization and financed by the capital expenditures of the City of Prague’s environmental protection department.

This investment plan reflects the city’s commitment to preserving and enhancing its natural environment, providing more opportunities for people to enjoy Prague’s ponds and fountains, and promoting a more sustainable, climate-friendly city.