Prague’s Cleaning Services Ready for Major Cleanup

In the wake of recent severe weather, Prague’s municipal cleaning services are gearing up for a massive cleanup operation. The Czech capital has been battered by persistent rain and rising water levels in the Vltava River, causing widespread disruption and damage across the city.

Trees have toppled, drainage systems are clogged, and traffic signs have been damaged or displaced. Despite these challenges, Prague Services (PS) stands ready to tackle the aftermath. The company’s spokesperson, Alexandr Komarnicky, assured that they have been working tirelessly throughout the weekend, implementing flood protection measures and removing containers from riverbanks.

PS workers, including garbage collectors and cleaning crews, have been on high alert, assisting with flood prevention and subsequent cleanup efforts. The company’s capacity is prepared for the coming days, with the city and the Technical Administration of Communications (TSK) set to cover the costs of their work.

The scope of PS’s responsibilities is extensive, ranging from traffic sign maintenance and green space upkeep to sewer system management and both mechanical and manual cleaning. Summer maintenance in Prague, which runs annually from April 1 to October 31, involves PS and other entities in a comprehensive cleaning effort.

As Prague braces for the cleanup, the resilience and readiness of its municipal services shine through. With three decades of experience in waste management and city maintenance, Prague Services continues to play a crucial role in keeping the city clean and functional, even in the face of natural challenges.