Prague’s Metro D Project Faces New Hurdles

Prague’s ambitious Metro D project has hit another snag as the city’s transport company, DPP, reevaluates its construction tender. In a surprising turn of events, the consortium led by Subterra has once again been selected as the winner, with a bid of approximately 30 billion Czech crowns (excluding VAT).

The tender, which covers the second phase of Metro D construction between Olbrachtova and Nové Dvory stations, has been scrutinized. DPP’s board of directors unanimously decided to award the contract to Subterra despite previous complications.

This decision comes after a series of setbacks. The anti-monopoly office had previously issued a preliminary injunction preventing DPP from signing a contract with Subterra. This led to the cancellation of the initial selection and a reevaluation of the bids.

DPP CEO Petr Witowski stated, “Based on extremely detailed scrutiny of suppliers’ bids and further expert and legal analyses, we have made a new decision on the matter”. This thorough review was prompted by new information that emerged from submitted objections.

The Metro D project’s timeline has been significantly impacted by these developments. Originally slated for completion in 2029, the first section from Pankrác to Olbrachtova is now expected to be operational by 2031. This delay underscores the complexities involved in large-scale urban infrastructure projects.

As Prague grapples with these challenges, the city remains committed to expanding its metro network. The D line, which will feature automated trains, is set to eventually reach Písnice in southern Prague, though decisions on this third phase and potential northern extensions are yet to be made.