Prague’s New Bridge Over the Vltava River to Be Named After Significant Woman


The new bridge over the Vltava River between Prague 4 and 5 will bear the name of a significant woman, with the public deciding on the final name through an online survey. The selection of proper names will be determined by the Municipal Topographic Commission, with the name to be chosen no later than the completion of the construction. The bridge, known as Dvorecký, started construction in September 2022 and is expected to be completed in 810 days for 1.075 billion crowns.

The idea of naming the bridge after Deputy Mayor Zdeněk Hřib of the Pirate Party proposed a woman connected to the location. The commission initially suggested the name of a significant female personality, with the preference being someone connected to the area. The idea of an online survey to choose the name from a pre-selection by the commission was put forward to involve the public.

While several suggestions have been made in the past, including naming it after the first Czech President Václav Havel or Smíchov native and former US Secretary of State Madeleine Albright, the Albright family declined the offer. The new bridge will serve trams, buses, cyclists, pedestrians, and emergency vehicles. Its eastern end will be at the northern edge of the Žluté lázně complex, and the western end will be close to the Lihovar tram stop. It will have a length of 388 meters and a width of 16 meters.

Construction will include both approach ramps, retaining walls, and art installations, with a bike path connecting both banks. The bridge is part of a broader infrastructure project that will include constructing two new tram tracks, road improvements, and relocating utilities. Completing the bridge will reduce the travel time between Prague 4 and 5 and improve transport connections.

The most recent bridge over the Vltava in Prague, Trojský, was completed in October 2014, replacing a temporary tram bridge from 1981 known as “Rámusák.” The bridge in Troja is for pedestrians and cyclists only, and it replaced an older bridge that had been closed for years due to safety concerns. The new bridge over the Vltava in Prague 4 and 5 will be a vital addition to the city’s transportation infrastructure, providing better connections and reducing commuter travel time.