Prague’s Strahov Tunnel Set for Major Overhaul

In a significant development for Prague’s infrastructure, road authorities have selected companies to design a comprehensive reconstruction of the Strahov Tunnel. This ambitious project, estimated to cost six billion Czech crowns, is slated for completion by 2033.

The Strahov Tunnel, a vital artery in Prague’s transportation network since its opening in 1997, is due for a significant upgrade. The extensive renovation plans encompass technological components, drainage shafts, and roadways. Safety enhancements are a key focus, with improvements planned for traffic operations and emergency shelter capabilities.

Barbora Lišková, spokesperson for the Technical Administration of Communications (TSK), revealed that the project is divided into several phases. The initial stage, running until mid-2026, will involve crucial investigative and diagnostic work on the tunnel’s structure and technology. Importantly, this phase is not expected to disrupt regular traffic flow.

The subsequent phases will see more intensive work. From June 2026 to October 2028, efforts will concentrate on extending drainage shafts and constructing new electrical substations. The third phase, lasting until mid-2031, will focus on equipping the tunnel with cutting-edge technologies. The final stage will address road surface replacement and the installation of safety equipment.

Upon completion, the renovated Strahov Tunnel is expected to serve without significant repairs for at least two decades. This project underscores Prague’s commitment to maintaining its infrastructure and highlights the evolving needs of urban transportation in the 21st century.