Prague’s Transportation May Be Affected by Strike


A scheduled strike by trade and labor unions on Monday, November 27th, may affect transportation in Prague. Three major gatherings are planned at Palach Square and Malostranské Square, and a smaller one at Jungmann Square.

The beginnings of some assemblies have been officially announced for 8 am by the organizers, but according to city hall information, they will not start until 1 pm. Until then, organizers will be conducting preparatory work at the sites, which may limit transportation from the morning, roughly from 11 am.

According to organizers, the event at Malostranské Square should end at 2:30 pm. Transportation may be affected from 11 am to 3 pm, so diverting city public transport routes is not ruled out.

“The large strike on November 27th should only minimally affect the operation of Prague’s public transport. Trade union organizations of transport company employees will not participate in the strike,” stated Deputy Mayor Zdeněk Hřib (Pirates).

Some employees will only express their protest against government cuts verbally or symbolically by wearing warning vests. “If there are diversions from the usual routes of established lines due to increased movement of people around the city, the transport company will timely inform passengers on its website,” Hřib assured.

It is also assumed that a gathering will be at the Government Office. All meetings will be overseen by the Czech Police, who can operationally direct or stop traffic if necessary, and city police officers. The aim of Wednesday’s meeting, convened by Mayor Bohuslav Svoboda (ODS), was to coordinate the approach of the city hall, transport company, Czech Police, city police, and others so that the impact on transportation and Prague’s residents would be as small as possible.