Pražská plynárenská: Czechs are gradually stopping to save gas after the price ceiling

After introducing a price ceiling for gas in the Czech Republic, citizens are gradually starting to consume more gas again. According to Pražská plynárenská, the average gas consumption in households in January and February of this year was 9.6% higher than in the same period last year.

In the last quarter of 2021, the government imposed a price ceiling for gas of CZK 59.70 per cubic meter. This measure was taken due to the sharp rise in gas prices in Europe, which was caused by a combination of factors, such as the shortage of gas in storage facilities, the increase in demand due to cold weather, and the high price of CO2 emissions certificates.

At the end of February, the price ceiling was extended until the end of March. However, the gas price in the Czech Republic is expected to rise significantly after the end of the price ceiling, as the global situation with gas prices is not improving.

According to the Prague Gas Company, in January and February of this year, the average gas consumption per household was 820 cubic meters, compared to 749 cubic meters in the same period last year. However, the company notes that gas consumption is still lower than in the pre-pandemic period.

The increase in gas consumption is also reflected in the revenue of the Prague Gas Company, which increased by 16% year-on-year in January and February. However, the company warns that if gas prices continue to rise, this trend may change, as customers will try to save on gas again.

The Prague Gas Company supplies gas to approximately 1.4 million customers in the Czech Republic.